The DELICIOUS Mistress Constance wrote a great post on cross dressers and purging. I’m highlighting several of her points here for you.


Safe place for feminine clothing

My first bit of advice for all cross dressers is before they go shopping for many things find a safe place for you to keep them. For instance a small storage unit, or a far away spot in the attic. Some place you can put them and they wont be found yet you can still get to when the urge to cross dress hits.

I put on some make-up, turn on the 8-track, and I’m pulling the wig down from the shelf – suddenly I’m Miss Punk Rock Star of Stage and Screen and I ain’t ever turning back!


Why I adore cross dressers

It is simple really cross dressers are sweet and have such a pull towards being in feminine clothing. They typically have had the desire to explore a more feminine side for a very long time. They crave acceptance and the ability to explore that side, and as a result are oh so grateful for a woman like me.



Moxxi Says:

If you can’t store your goodies at home then you need to find a safe place to put all your clothes, shoes, wigs, accessories & makeup.

We spend a lot of money to look FABULOUS!

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published by                        Goddess Hannah